November Book recommended

November Book recommended

Yoga and Health by Selvarajan Yesudian and Elisabeth Haich.

Greetings Newclearyoga readers,

Here we are in November. It has been an autumn of colours here in Berlin. Not like I was accustomed to along the Hudson valleys of New York State, but lovely just the same.

I am rather late with this post due to lessons and preparations for the cold days to come. I have chosen for this month though’ a tattered copy of a book where I literally had to glue the pages back together. It is titled Yoga and Health by Selvarajan Yesudian and Elisabeth Haich.

How I found this book is the same with several other books in my library. An unexpected stroll along a street market with used books and then…wham!, something pulls your attention. For me that usually means a title that contains the subject matters I am most passionate about. The thing is, it wasn’t the name Selvarajan that caught my eye but that of Elisabeth Haich. She had written a book titled ‘Initiation’ that i had found most intriguing during the 80’s.

Included in my library, I read it over and over again and was captivated by its subject matter: reincarnation and ancient Egypt. The foreword to the book however was by Selvarajan. He was from India and most dedicated to Elisabeth, their collaboration in the Yoga and Health book was one of many projects they were involved in.

I so enjoyed the clear photos and descriptions of the postures and the scheduled ‘guidance of a regimen determined to awaken in each person who read it a vibrant and healthy life force. Somehow the format reminds me of Iyengars ‘Light on Yoga’, which was published in 1966. This book was published in 1972, so could very well be they were inspired to distribute their version of yoga in the same way.

As I was quite in my early adult life and still not familiar with Iyengar, the book “Yoga and Health” left a lasting impression on me. I dug it out from the edges of my library and share it with you.
Do research their works and find out for yourself what may be of benefit to your practice.

Autumn can very well indeed offer days of cosy relaxation with a good book and new insight.
