Interview with my Mentor – Sri Sivan Namboothiri

Interview with my Mentor – Sri Sivan Namboothiri

Interview with my Mentor – Sri Sivan Namboothiri

So here we are in the month of February. The wheels of 2019 are steadily rolling through the highway of our intentions and purpose.

I have wanted for a while to add a new aspect to the site of Newclearyoga. It dawned on me a while back that perhaps I could seek the support of those with a longer history in the field of the teacher and student relationship. Often members of the studios ask me questions that require time and seriousness which is often hard to come by when I am running from one class to the next.The whole idea behind this website was to create a forum for that exchange.

Sri Sivan Namboothiri has kindly accepted my invitation to be the first in what I hope will be a regular event, interviews with highly accomplished teachers and leaders.

It was an honour to have this Satsang with him and I do hope that the natural friendship and honest exchange between us allows you, the viewer ,to gather information that can be of use to you in your own development and study of Yoga.

I have been a student of Sri Sivan Namboothiri since 2007. Though my initial introduction to a yogic lifestyle was in 2001 through my Baba, Swami Jivamukta Ganapati, it was with his blessings that I sought after a Mentor who could prepare me and instruct me in the vast world of HathaYoga here in Berlin.

After much searching I found exactly that in ‘Swamiji’. His institute Yogavihar continues to expand and grow. He has had a major influence on the Yoga scene in Berlin. Those who have studied with him have gone out into the world with high knowledge and true dedication.

I look forward to many more opportunities to interview him and share his knowledge with the people that attend the classes I have the privilege to lead.

Below you can find the 1st part and the 2nd part of this interview.