Book of Chakras in December

Book of Chakras in December

Chakra Tonics, by Elise Marie Collins –

One of the things I enjoy during winters crispy, frigid days and nights is a warm hearty cup of tea. Many of my friends comment on my delicious chai tea whose recipe I learned from my teacher Sri Sivan Namboothiri.

The book of the month for December was inspired by the delights of this ritual in making and sharing this drink with friends and loved ones. In the holiday season many cultures have their own concoctions of herbs and spices to warm the body and soothe the mind.

The Chakra Tonic book by Elise Marie Collins brings it to a level of Holistic nourishment. It invites us to prepare these teas with the intention off awakening the various energy centres in our bodies to create a sense of harmony and well being, vitality and stamina.I keep this book in my library and occasionally refer to it when the body demands a special kind of care and support.

I am sure you will enjoy its wise and simple approach to Selfcare. Perhaps you can begin a tradition for the holidays where these tea recipes are shared with guests and loved ones who are frazzled from all of the demands imposed on our bodies and minds due to the stresses of holiday preparations.

Enjoy and don’t stress the little stuff. Have a cup of Tea and breathe.