Book of April

Book of April

Care of the Soul – by Thomas Moore

Several people in my life have impressed upon me the awareness and necessity of honoring the sacred. My grandmother, an aunt, my first mentor and even close friends. Though I was raised Catholic and also experienced the rituals of the Mass I knew that sometimes a ritual, a sense of sacredness was innately a part of my own individual expression.

I developed a different relationship with God than that expected by the Catholic church and slowly discovered my own personal relationship with our Creator.As I matured it became clear to me that it was my Soul that guided me, persuaded me to seek these moments.

Thomas Moore’s book,‘Care of the Soul’ was quite inspiring as many of the things he spoke about rang true and familiar in my heart. I was already deeply grateful for the work that Joseph Campbell had gifted us with, information on the impact that myths, legends and archetypes have on our Souls. Mr. Moore’s work complimented that journey like a trusted companion.

Easy reading and still in print. In my library and on amazon for many years….