Book of June – it is about fire

Book of June – it is about fire

Path of Fire and Light, Volume 1, by Swami Rama –

On this New Moon day of June 3rd 2019 it was a hot, sultry day. Such perfect temperatures for what I have chosen as the book of the month. Path of Fire and Light Volume 1, by Swami Rama. I consider this to also be one of the new editions to my library as it has been on my shelf for around 5 years.

Oxford dictionary describes Fire as such: a process in which substances combine chemically with oxygen from the air and typically give out bright light, heat, and smoke; combustion or burning.

Fire also purifies. Many sacred rituals ignite fires to purify, to cleanse and release what is no longer of value on a psychic and spiritual level. Also the word can be used to release someone from their unsatisfactory duties.

The practices listed in this book do just that. Purify, release, renew and prepare for a new body, mind and spirit connection It is a clear concise sharing of advanced methods of Yoga dealing with Mindful Breath and Spiritual approach to your practice.

About the author

Swami Rama founded the Himalayan International Institute and was himself raised and trained in the Himalayan cave monasteries. A truly well traveled, well rounded Master that has incorporated his skills learned by Sages such as Sri Aurobindo, Mahatma Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagore.

Just reading his life journey makes you want to sit in silence and contemplate such a Dharmic journey as his. I know I strive endlessly to gather these teachings from such a one as he, grateful for the generous imparting of these ancient sciences. The reading is easy and can truly help develop your practice to a new level of integrity and purpose.

Engage in these techniques with an open and compassionate sense of patience and faith. You will indeed reap the rewards in various ways. May your desire to raise your vibration and awareness be an ever burning flame of devotion.

More about this book in this video section of my blog.