Book of august – how to purify your body and mind

Book of august – how to purify your body and mind

Yoga and Kriya: A Systematic Course in the Ancient Tantric Techniques – by Swami Satyananda Saraswat.

As I continue on my path with the myriad of lessons and knowledge bestowed upon me by teachers and students alike, there is one thing I believe to be the most important in your approach to a yogic lifestyle: the purification of the inner workings of the body and mind.

You never really know how important this is until the body signals you that it is flooded in toxins that render you arthritic, depressed, fatigued, angry and at the mercy of a health system that is in the business of illness more than that of wellness.

The book “Yoga and Kriya: A Systematic Course in the Ancient Tantric Techniques”, written by Swami Satyananda Saraswati is filled with guidance in this necessary part of Sadhana.

Whether or not you seek the road to spiritual or psychic development, it is common sense to maintain a healthy body cleared of any residues brought upon by wrong eating habits, sleeping patterns and mental anxiety. One step at a time. Learn to be aware of the signals your body emits and begin the dialogue to a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

I enjoy reading this and recommend it to all. I’m not sure but I believe it might even come in a PDF format. Explore it.

Wishing you deep satisfaction along your way to purity the body and mind.